
Setup Linux



This software comes WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. For details see the LICENSE.

Before you try any new software, you should make sure you have the taken the relevant backups of any critical documents and configuration.

Running the setup script

You should already have the repository downloaded locally:

cd linux-machine

To install everything with the default settings, just run the setup script:


The setup script will automatically install Ansible and use it to run the playbooks for installing rest of the software and making changes to your system configuration.

The setup script will require sudo access to your system and will ask for your password when you run it.

Advanced usage

Usage help

Show usage help and all available options:

./setup -h

Install requirements and roles only

Install Ansible and download roles without running the playbooks:

./setup -n


List available tags:

./setup -l

You'll see a number of plays and tags listed as below:

  play #17 (all): Python        TAGS: [python]
      TASK TAGS: [python]

  play #18 (all): Python version management     TAGS: [pyenv]
      TASK TAGS: [pyenv]

To run tasks tagged with a specific tags, for example to install Python and pyenv with above tasks, run:

./setup -t python,pyenv

See environment and tools sections for tags you can use to install the relevant components you need.

Do not update roles

To run the whole playbook without updating or installing Ansible roles:

./setup -q